You look forward to your regular massage. Maybe it relaxes you. Maybe it energizes you. Maybe it helps relieve the tension in your back. Whatever it is, you know you like it. But Full Body Massage has more benefits than you probably realize.
"Regular massage keeps the body working at optimal levels," says C.G. Funk, VP of industry relations and product development for Massage Envy. "It keeps people well-physically and emotionally."
Improving Mood It's no secret that massage can relax you and make you feel good mentally. But did you know that it may even help treat anxiety and depression? According to a review by the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, massage is able to lower the body's level of cortisol, a stress hormone, by as much as 53 percent. Massage also appears to increase the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine.
Easing Surgical Effects Postsurgical rehabilitation is one of the most important aspects of undergoing any procedure. And massage can help get you back on your feet by increasing circulation, relaxing muscles, and improving joint movement and flexibility. It's even been found to promote tissue regeneration and reduce postsurgical adhesions and swelling, according to the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.